As of this issue one of our major goals has come to pass. A national sorority has been officially begun. The group in Los An- geles formerly known as the "HOSE and HEELS" club has been dissolved as such. Those members of it who chose to apply and were accepted by the selection committee have reconstituted themselves as the Alpha Chapter of PHI PI EPSILON and held their first organizational meeting on March 16. There were 15 FPs, 5 wives and 4 interested women present. At this meeting various policies and procedures were adopted. The work of the organizational committee was endorsed and approved. A committee was elected to consider a provisional set of by-laws, though it was agreed not to adopt the conclusions of this committee until the proposed by-laws had been circulated to several other representative FPE leaders in other parts of the coun- try to insure that the ideas expressed were acceptable to groups other than this one.

It was also decided to adopt a design for the pin as submitted by the committee, and bids for cost are to be obtained both as a lapel pin for men and as a decorative broach for women.

Enthusiasm for the future of the organization was high and as applications are received from others in other areas and their prox- imity to each other opens the possibility of a group being formed, charters will be issued and leaders appointed. The time will come when we can point to the organization with pride provided everybody absorbs the spirit and purposes of it and helps it to grow, become established and useful.

In addition to simply meetings where the girls can express themselves openly, PHI PI EPSILON has more serious work to do. It is one thing to be given an opportunity to let oneself out in the open, but that is not sufficient reason for the Sorority to exist nor would it be adequate to sustain it for long. Any organization has to have some serious purpose behind it to be a real creative force. So in addition to social gatherings the Sorority will spon- sor other activities timed in the first place at helping the indiv- iduals to help themselves in achieving guilt free self acceptance, and then to aid wives, parents or friends to understand the whole
